Although today's topic is not related to fitness, the matter of internet security and privacy is a very important topic for everyone, you know. And concerning this matter, I was going through the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information (in Japan) today.
And I found a very intriguing description concerning the utility of personal information in this amended act, which was stipulated on December 2016. That said, " this act aims to protect an individual's rights and interests while considering the utility of personal information including that the proper and effective application of personal information contributes to the creation of new industries and the realization of a vibrant economic society and an enriched quality of life for the people of Japan "(Personal Information Protection Commission Japan, 2016).
I think this description is a new concept regarding the protection and utilization of personal information on the internet world, compared to what we used to be, which means only protection of privacy and personal information. So, I think this would be one step progress in interpretation in the concept of internet security and personal information and that kind of things. Of course, this can be what is called a double edged sword, thus, careful and considerate attitude would be important in treating this matter.
インターネット・セキュリティや個人情報の保護といった問題は、どなたにとっても非常に重要だと思います、また近年、Internet Security management System (ISMS) などが企業等でも関心事になりつつあるようですね。というわけで、これに関して、個人情報保護法(2016年12月改訂版)の冒頭部分に目を通してみたのですが、興味深い記述に気が付きました。
従来はインターネット・セキュリティや個人情報の保護というと、もっぱら、”各個人の情報を本人の同意や許可なく外部に公開しないこと”と理解されていましたが、この改訂・個人情報保護法では、一歩進んだ解釈がされているということですね。もちろん、個人のプライバシー保護 : 情報の公開と有効活用ということはセンシティブな問題で両刃の剣となり得るように思いますが、新たな方向性として興味深いと思います
Retrieved from Personal Information Protection Commission Japan, 2016.
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