Fitness Trend for 2021 - which is a forecatst for what becomes hot in the fitness industry in 2021 ? - has been announced by the American College of Sports Medicine. This trend forecast is based on a questionnaire type survey by over 4,000 participants worldwide, such as certified personal trainers, group exercise instructors, exercise physiologists, medical professional who are related to sports medicine, graduate school students majoring in exercise science, university professors ... etc. I also participated in this survey as an ACSM certified fitness professional.
As you can see the result, impact of the COVID is reflected on the ranking, such as online training and workout without special equipment = body weight training.
A workout that doesn't require special equipment and doable online, for example, Yoga style exercise is also gaining people's attention. Also, fitness programs for older adults is raising its ranking in these years, which shows a change in demography in the US and other countries.
Top10 ranking トップ10ランキング
Detailed report about top 20 (トップ20ランキングの詳細)
2021年にフィットネス業界で何か流行るか?を予測した「フィットネス・トレンド 2021」が米国スポーツ医学会 (ACSM)より発表されました(上記リンク) これは、世界中のフィットネス指導員(パーソナル・トレーナー、グループ・インストラクター、エクササイズ・フィジオロジストなど) スポーツ医学分野のお医者さん、エクササイズ・サイエンス専攻の大学院生や研究者など合計4,377名にアンケート調査したものを集計した結果で、僕もアンケートに参加しました。
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