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vocabular practice - November 29th 2023

vocabulary building practice

unconditional support, unconditional acceptance, unconditional love.
platonic love.
vulnerable, vulnerability.
skillset, showcase, exhibit, exhibition.
outstanding, captivating, mesmerizing.
single out, chill out, freak out.
Get out of the way.
tantalizing, mayonnaise, seaweed,
dance floor, show group, roster, pay roll.
Please know my appreciation.
It means a lot to me.
uphill battle, upheavals, hurdle, obstacle,
embody, envision, draw a picture in one's mind.
signify, symbolize.

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Diary - November 24th 2023

Getting out of your comfort zone little by little, and expand your horizen, perspective, life experience, and expertise.
Don't be afraid of new challenges.

This is a reminder to myself.  

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vocabulary practice - November 22nd 2023

vocabulary building

instrumental person, inventory, invoice, kind of, cheeky, tacky, fine line, picky, residue, captivating, mesmerizing, outstanding, skillset, exhibit, showcase, circle up, stupid, silly, mess up, chill, single out, background, counterpart, spinning, tryout, roster, payroll, pay check, diversification, diversity, biodegradable, reunion, envision, empower, cheerleader, embody, embrace, cuddle, snuggle, pet, paw, paw print, forward looking.          

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For further improvement - November 14th 2023

In order to take my English language skills to one more step higher level, further improvement of pronunciation and listening comprehension would be necessary. So, I'm watching a lot of Youtube videos lately.

As I always say, for switching your dominant from one's mother tongue to your target language, write something in that language as much as possible is an inevitable learning process.

Never stop learning !

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Seven month anniversary - November 7th 2023

Seven months have passed since my mother's departure on April 7th 2023.
Of course, she is always in my mind.
I have to become stronger in many ways.

My mother's heart will go on.

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