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Reminiscent of good days - September 24th 2023

Until two years ago (the start of Covid pandemic), I had an exercise class in a health promotion facility for the elderly population for over 15 years. Company president of that facility was a very active and heaetwarming person, however, he suddenly passed away this time in 2021. and today was the second year anniversary memorial ceremony of that company president.

I'm reminiscent of the days I was working for his facility. I have a lot of good memories in that exercise class for seniors.
I cross my fingers for peace of his soul and spirit.
His legacy lives on.

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Yoshi Endo profile as a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

My profile page on the website of National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach has been uploaded.
I can't wait for inquries, job offers, and business partnerships from all over the globe.


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Hardship can be a chance for positive transition - September 8th 2023

Currently I'm in a mentally tough situation.
I don't see a hope of light for the future.
However, seeing from the other side, it may become an opportunity to positive transition.
I visited my family grave today, and I was relieved a little.
I miss my mother so much.
But she is watching over me always, I believe.



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Five months have passed since my mother's departure

Five months have passed since my mother went to the heaven on April 7th 2023.
All I want to say is gratitude and appreciation to my mother and father.
Although I've become alone in the house, I'm blessed in many ways.
My mother and father are always in my mind.


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Researcher & Educator - September 5th 2023

I want to be an exercise physiologist, a researcher of psychological aspect in health & well-being, and an educator.
In order to pursue this path, further learning and practice are necessary.

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