
My current learning materials in English practice - January 30th 2025

I learned English mainly through reading newpaper articles (e.g., BBC, CNN) and Time magazine and Newsweek magazine. Therefore, my English is formal in a good sense and bad sense. In other words, there is still much room for improvement in my understanding and skills in casually spoken English. In order to brush up this aspect, my current learning materials in my English practice are conversations like the following video, which is a microphone performance on the ring of pro-wrestling.

P.S. I like entrance music of Mickie James " Obsession ". Also, Alexa Bliss is beautiful.


僕は主に英字新聞やTime, Newsweek などの記事を沢山読むことで英語を学んできたので、僕の英語は良くも悪くもフォーマルというか固くなりがちです。

上記のビデオは、WWE 女子プロレス選手、ミッキー・ジェームスとアレクサ・ブリスのやりとりですが、中々勉強になります。

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Giulia - English interview in 2024

The following link is an interview video of female pro-wrestler Giulia who stepped up her fighting stage from Stardom in Japan to WWE NXT in the US in 2024.

As you can see in the interview, Giulia's English is between beginning level and intermediate level. However, what I can see from this interview is Giulia's sincere and polite attitude to further learn and excell, which can be a good encouragement to my language practice as well.

I hope Giulia's further success globally.


ジュリアさんは日本の女子プロレス団体 スターダムで闘っていましたが、世界に挑戦したいと2024年に米国 WWE NXT のリングに戦いの舞台を移しました。

このインタビューで見ると、ジュリアさんの英語は中級レベルくらいですが、英語もプロレスも、もっともっと上達したいという彼女の真摯な姿勢が伝わってきます。冒頭のところで、Thank you for having me (お招きいただきましてありがとうございます)と言っていますが、英語を学び始めて間もない日本人で、Thank you for having me と、自然に言える人は少ないと思います。それと、ジュリアさんのリスニング能力はかなり高いように思います。


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Diary - January 16th 2025

Although the climate is still cold every day, today I felt that the color of sky is becoming that of early spring little by little.
Stay warm and take care everyone !

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A scenery of Tokyo Gymnasium - January 13th 2025

My friend in Tokyo enjoyed his first swimming in 2025 at the swimming pool in Tokyo Gymnasium.
I'm glad he started his new year with the healthy activity.
The photo is a scenery of the gymnasium on that day.


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Takeo Spa Resort - my friend in Tokyo visited there

My friend in Tokyo spent his new year holiday at a spa resort twon in Saga-prefecture.
I'm glad he had a good time there.
This weekend is a three consecutive days holiday, and may everyone has relaxed time.

この3連休も良い休日でありますように !
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Attractive pro wrestling ladies - January 9th 2025

Currently, my favorite women's pro wrestling athletes are Hikaru Shida, Mina Shirakawa, Mariah May, and Guilia. These ladies are passionate, humble, and sincere in their profession, also they are beautiful and attractive. Especially, Mina, Mariah, and Guilia are from Stardom Pro wrestling Promotion.  Stardom maybe a factory/dojo for star making. 

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Diary - January 5th 2025

I would like to improve my English listening skill more and more.
There are still a lot of English words/sounds/and pronunciations that I can't comprehend, especially when sound of words and pronunciation are linked.

Listening skill and speaking skill are in a relationship of belly and back.
I need to immerse myself in English environment as much as possible.

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Happy New Year 2025

My 2025 started with the new year's courtesy visit to Shizuoka Sengen Shrine.
I wished my health in the new year.

The shrine premise was very busy and lively with a lot of people.

May your 2025 be filled with a lot of excitement and fortune.





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Diary of appreciation - December 31st 2024

It is the final day in 2024. The ACSM Health & Fitness Journal November/December 2024 issue arrived today, which made me happy and relieved.

Thank you for checking my weblog this year too.
I would like to expect your continued support in the future as well. 
Have a good new year's eve, everyone !  

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Year end season in Tokyo - December 26th 2024

My friend in Tokyo kindly sent me scenery of Christmas season in Tokyo.

The rest of 2024 is only five days. 
Happy Holiday Season, everyone !

2024年も残すところ、あと5日ですが、皆さんが良い年末を過ごされますように !
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Diary - December 12th 2024 : current listening practice

Currently, the main focus of my English practice is to get my ears used to quickly spoken casual English conversations. And the link below is an example of learning materials I'm using for listening comprehension practice.

As long as you live in Japan, the amount of English you are exposed to is limited, but I would like to improve my English language skills as much as possible.


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Mariah and Mina - Winter is Coming

Currently, what I am looking foward to is a pro-wrestling match between AEW women's champion Mariah May and challenger Mina Shirakawa. The both ladies are beautiful, sexy, and very talented entertainers. Mina's passion and pro-wrestling sense are great, Mariah is extremely beautiful like a Barbie doll. Originally, these two ladies were tag team partners when Mariah was in Stardom Wrestling Promotion in Japan. I can't wait to see the storyline of the bout of friendship and good rivalry.


今現在、楽しみにしているのが米国のプロレス団体 AEW の女子プロレスの試合。キレイでセクシーでキャラクターも面白い選手が沢山います。2024年の12月中旬に行われるマライア・メイ vs 白川未奈の試合が特に楽しみ。

白川未奈さんは青山学院大・英文科卒の女子プロレスラーで得意の英語を活かして、今はアメリカのリングでも活躍しています。マライア・メイさんは、バービー人形かと思うほどの美人で、以前は日本の女子プロレス団体 スターダムに在籍していました。未奈さんとマライアさんはスターダム時代はタッグパートナーだったのですが、AEWのリングでは上記のビデオにある通り、仲間割れをして、お互い闘うことになった、という筋書きです。

志田 光選手にも期待しています。

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Diary - December 6th 2024

As long as you live and work in Japan, the amount of English you are exposed to is limited. Therefore, one of important keys for improving your English is how well you increase opportunities to use English in your every day life. 
In this contect, the word " use " does not necesarily mean speaking. Writing, listening, and reading are also included in this expresseion " use ". The point is to increase amount of English you are immersed. 

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Current priority in my English practice - December 4th 2024

Currently, one of my priorities in English practice is to get used to quickly spoken casual conversation.
The video below is one of learning materials I'm listening to, which is an interview video of a female pro-wrestler.
Because she speaks English quickly, also has southern accent.
Although total amount of time I immersed in English still lacks, I'd like to get my ears familiarize with that kind of conversations.


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Diary - December 2nd 2024

Today, I did two continuing education classes of Wellcoaches, which are necessary for recertifying one's credential in every three years. Also, watching and listening to those continuing education classes can be a good practice for my English listening comprehension. As I wrote previously, in order to further improve my English speaking & writing skills, brushing up my listening skill is essentially important. Although I live in Japan, I need to immerse myself in English spoken environment as much as possible.

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Diary - November 29th 2024 - Brush up one's listening comprehension

I need to improve my listening comprehension skill in English more and more. As you know, speaking skill and listening skill are closely related each other. Reading skill and writing skill are also related to listening and speaking skills. In other words, in any languages, skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking are interrelated each other.  In my case, I learned English mainly through reading a lot of newspaper articles aloud. Therefore, my reading skill is higher than my listening comprehension. Seeing from the other side, there is much room for improvement in my listening comprehension, especially when it comes to quickly spoken casual English. In order to brush up my speaking skill further as well, an important key would be improving my listening comprehension. 

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Determination of Holly Shida : 志田 光さんの英語力と決意

Do you know a female pro-wrestler whose names is Hikaru Shida ? (aka Holy Shida)
Although she was born and grew up in Japan, her English is surprisingly good. Compared to her Youtube videos filmed 4-5 years ago, her recent interview video shows that her English language skills are obviously improving.
Currently, she has exclusive contract with AEW wrestling promotion in the US, which means the improvement of her English is a proof of her determination to assimilate herself into American society.


志田 光(シダ ヒカル)さんという女性プロレスラーがいます。

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Eleanor version of Phantom of the Opera

When I was watching Youtube videos yesterday, I came across a very well sung cover version of " Phantom of the Opera ".
Although her detailed profile is not written, name of this lady seems to be Eleanor and probably she is a wanna be professional singer, I guess.  
It has become one of my favorite versions of Phantom of the Opera.



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Julia Wu, オーストラリア生まれの台湾人歌手・ジュリア・ウー

Today, I happened to find a talented singer on Youtube.
Her name is Julia Wu, an Australian born singer based in Taiwan.
Alan Walker's Faded featuring Julia Wu is captivating !


アラン・ウォーカーの " Faded " を歌っていますが、非常に良い出来だと思います。

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Stacy Francis - Purple Rain from X Factor 2011

This footage is from X Factor in 2011, but it is still one of my favorite cover songs.
Stacy Francis's Purple Rain has an amazing power, which makes me recall what I was forgetting.

In the process of anguage learning journey, I experienced mysterious and strange phenomena like transient/temporary amnesia several times. When I encounter these strange situation, Stacy Francis's powerful and emotional song can be a salvation. Thanks to listening to her song, I regained my memories and language which I was temporarily forgetting.


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regaining oneself little by little - November 7th 2024

Although it's a slow process, I'm regaining myself day by day.
Patience and perseverance are necessary.

vocabulary practice
influencer, resonate with, showcase, skillset, audition, captivating, tenacity, tenacious, ginormous, enormous, physicality, musicality. lyrical, show group, permanent, vase, wallet, fine line, positivity, group dynamics, synergy, trust and rapport, enthusiastic, gifted child, cohesive, camaraderie, iconic, chapter, horizen, 

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My friend in Tokyo went to see the 37th Tokyo International Film Festival yesterday. According to the friend, totally 208 movies participated in this event.

Also, he visited Hiroshima last week for business trip. And he enjoyed oyster dish (the second photo). It looks yummy.




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フィットネス・トレンド 2025

The American College of Sports Medicine announced fitness trend for 2025.
This trend is based on surveys among fitness professionals and exercise science researchers worldwide about what would become hot topics in the health & fitness industry in 2025.

What came in the first place was " Wearable technology "
The first runners up was mobile exercise apps.
Also, health & wellness coaching was ranked in No.10.


米国スポーツ医学会 (ACSM) は、2025年にフィットネス業界で何が話題になるか?を予測した「2025フィットネス・トレンド」を発表しました。第1位にランクされたのは、Wearable technology,  第2位はmobile exercise apps,

I visited Kumano Shrine today, which in one of my favorite local shrines, for refreshment and regaining myself. 

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Diary - November 2nd 2024

My thought process starts to work again little by little after one month hiatus period in English language practice.
I'm watching videos of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders today too.

Also, I did two sets of barbell squats with an easy weight, which makes me feel good and gives me confidence after the long hiatus.

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Diary November 1st 2024 - It's been a while

Hello everyone, it has been a while.
I was off of English language practice for nearly one month because of a reason.
Today, I restarted my English practice through a continuing education of Wellcoaches, and after that I'm watching/listening to this video - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders making videos.

本日、Wellcoaches の継続教育プログラムを通して、久しぶりに英語の勉強を再開し、今、ダラスカウボーイズ・チアリーダーズのメイキングビデオを Youtube で観ています。


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Mikoshi - portable shrines

In processions of traditional Japanese festivals, we carry portable shrines called " Mikoshi ".
Mikoshi is a symbol of respect, health, and fortune.

My friend in Tokyo went to see summer festivals and Mikoshi yesterday, and sent me these photos.

お祭りで担ぐ「神輿」は英語で portable shrine (移動式の神社)
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Diary - September 1st 2024

In order to be a professional translator/tour guide, you need to understand English of all walks of life, from children to the elderly, which means that I need to improve my listening comprehension skills more and more.


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Awa Dance in Koenji Tokyo - a sesonal event at the end of summer

My friend in Tokyo went to see Awa Dance in Koenji Tokyo. According to him, this event reminds him of the end of summer.
I'm glad that the friend had a nice summer. Climate will also change into autumn weather in a three week or so.

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multistory parking lot in Japan

In Japan, about 126 million people live in the small archipelago, therefore how well we utilize the limited land space efficiently is an important matter. An example is multistoried parking lot like the one in the photo. When you visit Japanese cities, you will see that kind of multistoried parking lot everywhere.


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summer jacket with a fan

The photo is a summer jacket with a small fan.
My friend in Tokyo saw this cool jacket at a trade show exhibition, and he said this jacket drew attention of guests to the exhibition from overseas.

これも Cool Japan の 一種でしょうかね。

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«Obon dance 2024